Press Release

The French Ministry of Ecological Transition partners with Manaos as part of its reflections on the Greenfin-Labeled Funds

The Ministry of Ecological Transition is partnering with Manaos, BNP Paribas’ investment data management platform*, to collect and evaluate the anonymized inventories of labeled funds using MSCI data, as part of a forward-looking approach.
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The Greenfin Label Committee, supervised by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, has initiated a review of the label’s requirements, in response to national (SRI label), European (Taxonomy, EU GBS, SFDR), and international (Green Bond Principles) developments.

Discussions within the Committee have highlighted the growing need to provide the Greenfin-labeled funds’ characteristics to the Committee. As a result, the General Commissioner for Sustainable Development (CGDD), which chairs the Committee, has entered into a partnership with Manaos, to facilitate the provision of aggregated and anonymous characteristics of Greenfin funds to the Committee.

This partnership aims to streamline the transmission of Greenfin-labeled funds’ characteristics to the Committee, enabling them to evaluate the alignment of these funds with various ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria as part of their reflection on the Greenfin label.

*Manaos is managed by AELX SAS, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas

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