Sustainalytics is a leading company that rates the sustainability of listed companies based on their environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance.
Morningstar Sustainalytics is a leading independent ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analytics firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. For more than 30 years, the firm has been at the forefront of developing high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of global investors. Today, Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world’s leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate governance information and assessments into their investment processes. Sustainalytics also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies, practices and capital projects.
Sustainalytics’ Impact Metrics is a set of company-level metrics that provide a useful measure of impact. Each metric can be used to report on at least one theme in their new Impact Framework – such as Climate Action, Resource Security or Human Development – and at least one of the 17 SDGs.
Sustainalytics’ Impact Metrics SDG is a set of company-level metrics that provide a useful measure of impact. Each metric can be used to report on at least one theme in sustainlaytics' new Impact Framework – such as Climate Action, Resource Security or Human Development – and at least one of the 17 SDGs.
Le radar sur les armes controversées de Sustainalytics permet aux investisseurs d'identifier les entreprises privées et publiques impliquées dans la fabrication d'armes susceptibles d'avoir un impact disproportionné et aveugle sur les populations civiles, parfois même des années après la fin d'un conflit.
Morningstar Sustainalytics’ Carbon Emissions Data is designed to provide investors with powerful insights to assess and analyze companies’ GHG emissions. With their sophisticated estimation models and high-quality data, investors can respond to regulatory requirements and disclosure initiatives such as the European Union Action Plan, the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)