Estimate and compare the coverage of your portfolio across all ESG data providers on Manaos in just a few clicks.
Our Portfolio Coverage Estimator allows investors to assess the coverage rate of their portfolios across Manaos' ESG data providers, in seconds and with no upfront engagement required.
Developed by AELX SAS, a technology subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, Manaos powers an all-in-one platform that connects the traditional information systems of institutional investors and asset management companies with carefully selected rating agencies and fintechs to meet all their ESG-related use cases. In practice, Manaos enables investors to the collect their fund compositions from their asset managers, while standardising portfolio data and allowing for asset-level portfolio look-through. From there, Manaos empowers asset managers and owners to test and measure the ESG investments performance by connecting their portfolio data to a range of ESG data providers. Once enriched with third-party data, Manaos offers flexible, multimodal portfolio data extraction features to meet urging ESG-related use cases, such as EET generation, SFDR, TCFD, Taxonomy regulatory reports and more. Manaos aims at becoming the cornerstone solution for investors to fill the ESG data and technology gap they are painfully struggling with.
Clarity AI
By leveraging technology, Clarity AI offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that enables managers to collect all the required metrics across the different sections, conduct thorough fund look-through analyses, and automatically generate the necessary Article 29 LEC annexes.