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Revivez en replay les temps forts de l’intervention de Patrice Hiddinga, CEO de Manaos, sur BFM Business à l’occasion des #SustainabilityDays en partenariat avec Accenture.
La 12ème édition de l’AM Tech Day au Palais Brongniart a été un temps fort pour Manaos cette année ! Une belle énergie et de beaux partenariats en perspective. Si vous n’y étiez pas, revivez ici l’événement en vidéo.
BNP Paribas Securities Services’ ESG marketplace, Manaos, today announces the onboarding of two new partners – Util and V.E, part of Moody’s ESG Solutions – to enrich its sustainability data and analytics offering.
Quelques semaines après avoir reçu le prix de la “Meilleure Innovation en Données et Analyses ESG” par le Global Custodian, notre CEO, Patrice Hiddinga a été invité sur B Smart TV en compagnie de Sabine Lochmann, Directrice monde de Moody’s ESG Measures et Présidente de V.E pour parler des enjeux relatifs à la maîtrise des données extra-financières pour l’avenir du monde et des solutions conjointement proposé par Manaos et V.E. Une conversation animée par Thomas Hugues
BNP Paribas Securities Services and its platform Manaos announce a partnership with Clarity AI, a leading sustainability data science and tech company. Starting today, Manaos users have access to Clarity AI’s vast universe of sustainability data and insights.
If you invest in an insurance product or a fund, I’m afraid the short answer is most probably YES. Why? Because the financial sector is structurally opaque even if it is not intentional. Some asset managers may consider the composition of their funds a trade secret, but opacity mainly stems from technical problems: getting a full, detailed view of an investment portfolio is hard. So most investors give up.
The smartphone acted as a steroid to bring all of us consumers on app stores and digital marketplaces. Interestingly, this ultra-rapid shift has not occurred in the B2B space. Are some industries immune to the revolution? Or is it coming?
The ESG clock is ticking! Discover Manaos with this impactful 2 minute video trailer. Manaos offers quick and easy access to an entire ecosystem of investors and ESG tech partners for look-through, portfolio data quality enhancing, ESG scoring and regulatory reporting. All on a single SaaS platform, at your fingertips. Hit 'Book a meeting" to learn more.
Nous accueillions AAIS et LMG lors du BNP Paribas Impact Day pour reccueillir leur expérience sur la plateforme Manaos. Extraits.
The Ministry of Ecological Transition is partnering with Manaos, BNP Paribas’ investment data management platform*, to collect and evaluate the anonymized inventories of labeled funds using MSCI data, as part of a forward-looking approach.
Moments marquants de la 'Investment day' organisée par Finance Innovation
This spring, we will attend events in London & Paris, to meet our clients and prospects. Get in touch with us now to book a meeting and secure a seat!
This article was brought to you by our partner, ISS ESG. Authored by Aastha Agarwal, Analyst, Climate Research and Shruti Sharma, Analyst, Climate Research.