Assess the ESG performance of your portfolios.
ESG data coverage includes public and private multinational, national and subnational companies of all sizes. Customers get access to well over 300m modelled ESG Scores and the underlying data across 59 ESG and Climate metrics. As part of this data package customers also have access to 5,000 ESG scores and the underlying data for public companies derived from analyst-led ESG assessments,. The methodology for the modelled scores is derived from the methodology used for the analyst-led ESG assessments.
Leveraging V.E's extensive proprietary database, Moody's ESG Solutions equips market players with the ESG insight they need to manage risks and better understand and address their social and environmental impact. V.E is a global leader in ESG assessments, data, research, benchmarks and analytics. Moody’s ESG Solutions is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation that serves the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. The group’s comprehensive offering includes ESG scores, climate data, Sustainability Ratings and Sustainable Finance certifier services that help fulfil the broad spectrum of ESG-related goals in risk management, equity and credit markets.
Clarity AI
By leveraging technology, Clarity AI offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that enables managers to collect all the required metrics across the different sections, conduct thorough fund look-through analyses, and automatically generate the necessary Article 29 LEC annexes.